In life, our periodic (and for some, seemingly endless) discomfort and frustration is never ever about the other person or the challenging circumstances we find ourselves in. Where ever there is 'blame' there is a failure of intelligence. Whenever you catch yourself pointing the finger at anyone but yourself, pause and reconsider your reaction. Blaming the 'other', or 'life', or 'bad luck', or 'karma', or your parents, is an escape route all too familiar and all too automatic for most of us. It is simply resistance to the situation or the person, and resistance to taking responsibility for where we are, or who we have attracted. And, as you will know by now, what we resist persists! Unfortunately, it is much easier to judge how something shouldhave played out, or to judge the other person as failing to live up to our ideal of how they should be, than to look deeply into our discomfort to see our role in it.
Imagine for a moment, that all of those hard situations and difficult people were actually written into the script of your life, by YOU! What if you created a life plan before you were even conceived that aspired to learn certain lessons through various circumstances and relationships. What if at the core of your being is a perfect and unique expression of the Divine; a Soul Song, waiting to be discovered and expressed, and all of the challenges and difficulties are there to force you to look deep within yourself to discover this highest version of you? After all, our greatest growth and expansion comes through hardship and challenge. But when we get lost in the stories and dramas of life, blaming everything outside of ourselves for our discomfort, we delay our growth and we suffer. We feel stuck; we feel hopeless and despondent. Our energy drains as our horizon looks bleak.
Once we embrace life, in each and every moment, we discover that underlying ALLexperiences is pure Love and pure Joy. This is beyond the mind's capacity to understand, but see for yourself; delve deeply into any life challenge and see what's at the core. When this Love and Joy is experienced there is a flowering of Heart, and a flowering of intelligence. Flow returns to Life. You become energized. Reverence for the mysteries and sacredness of life arises. Life becomes fun again, as it was when you were a child, even though the outer circumstances may be exactly as they were before.
Remember always, resistance = suffering; acceptance = joy. We are where we are; we are with whomever we are with. Be with that, fully and completely. Be with the 'What Is'...anywhere else is simply an escape route created by the mind to avoid the perceived pain of the present moment, and yet True Love and Pure Joy are here, now, patiently waiting to be discovered, just below the resistance....
Imagine for a moment, that all of those hard situations and difficult people were actually written into the script of your life, by YOU! What if you created a life plan before you were even conceived that aspired to learn certain lessons through various circumstances and relationships. What if at the core of your being is a perfect and unique expression of the Divine; a Soul Song, waiting to be discovered and expressed, and all of the challenges and difficulties are there to force you to look deep within yourself to discover this highest version of you? After all, our greatest growth and expansion comes through hardship and challenge. But when we get lost in the stories and dramas of life, blaming everything outside of ourselves for our discomfort, we delay our growth and we suffer. We feel stuck; we feel hopeless and despondent. Our energy drains as our horizon looks bleak.
Once we embrace life, in each and every moment, we discover that underlying ALLexperiences is pure Love and pure Joy. This is beyond the mind's capacity to understand, but see for yourself; delve deeply into any life challenge and see what's at the core. When this Love and Joy is experienced there is a flowering of Heart, and a flowering of intelligence. Flow returns to Life. You become energized. Reverence for the mysteries and sacredness of life arises. Life becomes fun again, as it was when you were a child, even though the outer circumstances may be exactly as they were before.
Remember always, resistance = suffering; acceptance = joy. We are where we are; we are with whomever we are with. Be with that, fully and completely. Be with the 'What Is'...anywhere else is simply an escape route created by the mind to avoid the perceived pain of the present moment, and yet True Love and Pure Joy are here, now, patiently waiting to be discovered, just below the resistance....